Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weekly Review: Plans Change

Another week of changed plans, not too good for this OCD, list making girl. Our plans were to go to Legoland as this week was homeschool week, and we would be able to get a discount.  Plans changed with a sick baby (and then sick mama). Eli is not "good" at being sick.  He is downright pathetic. Definitely made life pretty hard for all of us especially with me not feeling well.  So we didn't do much at all this week. 

The girls got to play a lot of Lego games with Daddy. If you haven't played any of the Lego games you should.  There are several little ones that are quick and easy for little ones.  Some of the girls favorites are Wild Wool, Robo Champ, and Frog Rush.  I am sure as they get older they will prefer the bigger games.

They had lots of fun playing with the little breakable horses too. 

We made some pretty Stained "Glass" Horses too!

We also made frost (post to come)!

And they did quite a bit of reading.  Both girls finished their book charts for a second time! I am thinking if they are going to complete it so quickly I am going to have to find another way to reward them to keep me from going broke buying new books all the time!

Eli was doing better Thursday and Friday, so we went ahead and went to gymnastics.  It was probably too much for us to do even though it was just an hour of time; because I was exhausted on Friday!

Eli was pretty normal Saturday other then coughing and snot. He was back to acting like his crazy self and shoveling handfuls of popcorn in his mouth! (He loves popcorn!)

I was still pretty tired, but this morning I am feeling a lot better.  Still coughing though.  And new plans have been made for Legoland, so hopefully those work out!