Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Little Red Hen Sack Puppets

This past week the girls checked out a version of The Little Red Hen from the library.  They had it put together with a chicken puppet to play with which the girls enjoyed.

It did not have the other characters though, so I decided we could probably manage to make some with paper sacks.  So I grabbed 4 paper sacks (we had to make a hen too for when we returned the library's).  I just cut some simple shapes out of construction paper for heads, eyes, ears, and noses. Nothing very detailed at all! Bria ended up gluing them together since Nadia was exhausted the day we did it and took a very long nap. 

Bria loved playing along with the story! Then after Nadia woke up they both played along, but neither of them wanted to tell the story.  They  just wanted to say, "Not I." They did change it up and make their puppets say, "I" and help the little red hen a couple times.

We also decided to make some bread (well we made rolls).  So we put on our aprons and went to work. 

They were a little impatient about me getting the water to the right temperature, and I tried to explain that the yeast was alive, so hot water would kill it.  I asked them what they thought the yeast would do to the bread.  Bria thought it would eat it all up! Guess we need to make bread more often.  They always love helping cook things.  Especially when they get to add ingredients or crack eggs.

We had to be patient again while letting them rise, and again while they baked.  Not sure how I forgot to get a picture after they baked, but both girls seemed to enjoy them!

While we were outside that evening Bria also collected some "wheat" for us.

This week they have another version of The Little Red Hen, but it has a mouse and a dog instead of a pig and a duck.  Guess we might need more puppets.