Thursday, October 18, 2012

Calling All Book Fanatics! Texas Book Festival, October 27-28

Do you love reading and anything book-related? Mark your calendars because on the last weekend in October, the 27th-28th, over 250 Texas authors will be featuring and signing their books at the Texas Book Festival. The Texas Book Festival will be held in the State Capitol Building in Austin, TX.

Look for the TAMU Press tent which will be selling the books of our 5 featured authors:

1.       George Bristol, On Politics and Parks (TAMU Press 2012)

2.       Tom Kreneck, Del Pueblo (TAMU Press 2012)

3.       Ron Rozelle, My Boys and Girls are in There (TAMU Press 2012)

4.       Krista Schlyer, Continental Divide: Wildlife, People, and the Border Wall (TAMU Press 2012)

5.       Ralph Yznaga, Living Witness (TAMU Press 2012)
As well as the artwork of Margie Crisp, author of River of Contrasts: The Texas Colorado, this year’s Texas Book Festival featured artist!

First established in 1995 by First Lady Laura Bush, the annual festival was held in 1996 in Austin at the State Capitol Building. Bush, a former librarian and author of Spoken from the Heart, has always been a strong believer in literacy and the importance of reading. She set up the non-profit festival as a way to honor Texas authors, promote the significance of reading, and benefit libraries across the state. Since its inception in the 90s, Bush has pointed out that the festival has raised a total of $2.5 million for libraries.

This year the festival is expected to be a huge hit again, prepared to attract 40,000 people over the course of the book-filled weekend. There will be book signings, author presentations, panel discussions, and—because it is in the live music capitol of the world—musical entertainment.

Make sure to check out our website,,under the Upcoming Events drop-down for more information on the event and our wonderfully talented authors being featured!

Also, in honor of the Texas Book Festival, each day on the blog we will be highlighting one of the six authors leading up to the event. Be sure to check back to the blog for more info!
--Madeline Loving