Thursday, September 27, 2012

Night fluff

I must admit I was scared. It seemed like in impossible challenge. Super-wetter V. night nappy. I was sure that the nappy couldn't rise to such a challenge. I dithered. I asked questions then did nothing, forgot what was said, then asked again. The lovely ladies at Cloth Bum Mums finally gave me confidence to buy a much discussed night nappy. We had heard good reviews of Wee Notions Night Nappies so it was time to put it to the test.

We bought a gorgeous nappy, with soft brown minky outer and pale blue minky inner. The pear design on the front is retro and super cute, fitting for our little fruit addict. Hubby was impressed by its lovely softness- perfect for keeping little one cosy at night. He was, however, flummoxed by side snaps. What is it with men and poppers?! (respect for all those daddies that can manage, we are still at aplix only stage still after 10 months!)

We used a fleece liner instead of the paper ones we use in the day, and prayed for no poo. Prayers about poo are not something I envisaged as part of parenthood! After lots of fluffy Facebook advice we ordered some gorgeous fleece longies from Mama Moomy, so soft and cosy - just right for these chillier Autumn nights. He looked snug as a bug, though with clashing pyjamas as I hadn't stopped to consider a pyjama top to match. Hey ho, he was in his sleeping bag anyway.

I was ridiculously anxious to see if our plan worked. Bubba was a tiny bit damp -but only the same as when he is changed in the day. The nappy was wet but not soaked, and the moisture had been drawn away from his skin. Both longies and sleeping bag survived unscathed.
We are now coming up for our first week of fluffy night times and I'm already loving the thought of letting the disposables gather dust in a corner.

I can't wait to order more lovely fluff as a reward either- all suggestions of what to try next warmly welcomed! So we were chuffed to bits that the nappy could handle our Olympic wee-er. If only our poo prayers had been answered too!