Monday, September 17, 2012

Caramel Apple Salad

As I happened through Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago I came across Caramel Apple Milky Ways.  I would guess a lot of people know I love caramel apples and that Milky Ways are my favorite candy bar, so this had to be good (or extremely bad). Immediately after buying eating to my car with them I opened one to try.  It smelled like chocolate covered gummi bears (another favorite of mine),and it tasted pretty similar to caramel apples wrapped in chocolate.  The apple part wasn't perfect, but it was close enough for me; you can't replace that apple crunch anyhow.  Then I decided they would great in Snickers salad instead of Snickers. Can't really call it Snickers salad without Snickers though, so here is my Caramel Apple Salad. This isn't an exact recipe; just my preference. The ingredients can be combined in whatever ratio you want.

My ingredients:

1 Granny Smith apple, chopped
1/2 bag Caramel Apple Milky Ways, chopped
1 8 oz container Cool Whip, thawed

Chop your apple and candy bars.  I know some people also add chopped up caramels, and those would be good too.

Gently fold ingredients together and refrigerate.  This is best after it has refrigerated a little while but not over a day or so.  

So you really can't see how yummy it is, but really, it is good!
I knew it would be good, but, to my surprise, both Nathan and I prefer this version! Too bad the Caramel Apple Milky Ways are a limited flavor!