Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Family Time Fitness

 If you visit often you may have noticed I have added a few affiliates to my sidebar. These are companies I believe in, and because of that I want to take the time to introduce you to them one at a time.

First up, Family Time Fitness. I chose to introduce them first because they currently have an amazing giveaway running, and I would love everyone to have a chance to sign up!

Fitness 4 Homeschool Ultimate Giveaway

I think homeschoolers have a tendency to overlook physical education (at least I know I do). It is so easy to say softball, gymnastics, etc, etc will count as physical education, and it does, but having a curriculum in place that can guide you through will ensure your family is getting the exercise you need while learning about health and nutrition.

This is where Family Time Fitness comes in! They are a great company that provides physical education curriculum for all school ages. And you only have to buy one copy per family (not per student).  Along with their giveaway, they are running a sale of 20% off purchases in the month of March, so basically now is a great time to take a look!