Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekly Review - Getting Back to Normal

Holidays are over, and that means back to our "normal" routine.  I use the word normal loosely as I had just changed our routine before the holidays with this silly thought that I could somehow maintain it despite going out of town and visiting with family several times.  Of course, that didn't happen, so now we are trying to learn our new routine again!

The family fun didn't actually end until Monday as we celebrated the girls Great-Grandpa's 80th birthday on Sunday! The girls enjoyed playing on the iPad with one of their distant cousins while Eli was preoccupied with trying to get balloons.

Birthday Boy!

After leaving the party we met up with some friends to go bowling.  Bowling isn't my thing AT ALL, but the girls always seem to enjoy it.  Eli enjoyed the popcorn (or pop pop as he calls it). He was also fascinated by the balls!

After all the fun of Sunday, I am sure the girls were tired Monday while I was at work.  Tuesday we tried to get back on track, but it was pretty rough.  In fact all week was pretty rough.  The girls were pretty certain that they should get to play non-stop rather then do chores or school work.  We did finish our letter E activities, and they both completed their book chart for the first time! That was a pretty big achievement to me, and two new Skippyjon Jones books are on their way!

 Eli learned to play with his duplo blocks.  He just had to have his Daddy show him they could be stacked, and then he was happy to stack them himself! I don't remember how old the girls were when they realized they could interlock and build things out of them. 

Eli's first creation.
Everything above the 2 green circle is from Eli.

Not too bad for an 18 month old! I did attempt to take some 18 month old pictures this week too.  That was a major FAIL! Eli would not stay where I put him for anything! I think give him cars to play with; yeah right, he just runs off with them! Guess I will try again this week!

A new addition to our "normal" schedule will be gymnastics! The girls had their first class this week, and seemed to enjoy it although they did say it was hard!  They tumbled and walked on the balance beam this week.  The teacher said they would try the bars next week!

Part of the problem, I'm sure, was me not wanting to be back in or routine either. Hopefully next week will be smoother in all aspects of our routine!  Did you have trouble getting back into your routine?