Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tooth Fairy Pillow

I was warned at Bria's last dentist visit that she would likely start losing her teeth within the year.  It is a good thing I was warned or I would have been freaking out when she found her first too loose teeth last month! How can she be old enough to lose teeth already!?!? Yesterday it happened! I was at work, and got a phone call from an excited Bria telling me her tooth fell out in her cup and she had a hole for her tongue! 

Luckily I had just about finished making her tooth fairy pillow! I tried to make it similar to the one I had when I was little because it had a dangling pocket for the tooth.  I had no idea how else I would actually be able to get the tooth out and the money in without waking her up! 

I started with 2 pieces of fabric (I used the fabric I made her baby quilt from) cut into squares. I suppose you could cut any shape pillow you want as long as both pieces are the same size.

I pinned the layers right side facing in just like you would for any pillow.  Then I picked some lace for the edge and pinned it between the layers facing in too.  If you have never made a pillow this looks very odd, but everything has to be backwards, so the seems don't show.

They look like little backwards pillows now.

Then you sew 3 sides of the pillow. You could do more, but I still had to add my ribbon and hadn't decided how to do it.  If you turn it right side out now it looks more like a pillow.

Then I cut a long piece of ribbon for the little tooth pouch.  After turning the pillow inside out, I folded the ribbon in half and stuck all except the folded part inside my pillow.  I positioned the folded area where I wanted the ribbon to come off and pinned.

I finished sewing the pillow (all except a small are to turn it right side out) and the went back over it with a zig zag stitch to hold it.

Turn right side out and this is what you have!

This is Nadia's; I figured her time was coming soon enough!
Stuff and finish sewing by hand.  I use a hidden stitch to sew the opening closed. (here is a tutorial for a hidden stitch). Somehow I didn't get a picture here, but you can imagine it looks like a pillow now!

Then you want a little pouch of some sort.  I was lucky my dear sister (perhaps she could post instructions, hint, hint) was willing to crochet me little pouches to attach to my ribbon since I have no idea how to crochet.  You could probably knit or sew a pouch as well.  You just have to make sure to leave room to thread your ribbon through!  I started at the back of my pouch and threaded one side of ribbon through each side of the pouch.  I tied it in a bow at the front of the pouch and secured the bow with hot glue.  Now the pouch can be closed to keep the tiny tooth in!

Bria was so excited to use her tooth fairy pillow!

With Bria on the top bunk that little pouch definitely helped me be a successful tooth fairy!

Sleepy (but excited Bria); the tooth fairy left her 2 gold dollars!