Saturday, April 28, 2012

Prayers needed

     I received some shocking news from a good friend, Shannon, yesterday; her daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. I know the shock and sadness I felt when I heard are nothing compared to that of her mother, father, and brother. I would appreciate everyone praying for Jillian and her family during this time.

      This is Jillian. She will be 4 in June. Yesterday (April 27), she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). In recent weeks she had been hospitalized a couple times with MRSA.  This time she had a fever, some bruising, and an enlarged spleen. A bone marrow biopsy confirmed ALL.  ALL is most common in children and thankfully, has a high remission rate. At this time results of a spinal tap are still pending to make sure there is no neurologic involvement. Jillian is scheduled to begin treatment Monday (April 30).  Shannon says the first 28 days will be very critical, so if you think of it please say a prayer for them anytime this next month.
At the hospital 

      I will continue to update as I get information; in the meantime I will continue to lift this entire family up in prayer for strength, courage, and healing.

Jeremiah 29:11... For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, I don't not plan to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future.

More information on ALL:

Sign up to be a marrow donor:

Jillian update: She is officially in remission and undergoing her 3rd course of treatment (she will get 4 total).  After a few set backs, she is doing well.  Of course treatments can still cause her to have bad days, and she did lose her hair, but everyone is so thankful for how well she is doing! Such a strong little girl!